Press Coverage

Globalvoices Online: Facebook is the center of new dissent in Mauritania

SlateWhy don’t we care about Syria?

The Atlantic Profile Piece: Behind the Arab Revolts, an Activist Quietly Pulling Strings From Boston

Global Voice: Bridges on twitter 

The New York Times: Bringing Qadhafi to Justice

Time Magazine: North Africa’s Sahel, The Next Terrorism Hot Spot?

Nesma Tv Tunisia: Profile (Arabic)

AJE Listening Post: Bahrain Below The Radar

MediaPart (French): Révolutions Arabes: quand Tariq Ramadan franchit la ligne rouge

AJE Riz Khan: Is Social Media Driving Reform in The Arab World?

The Guardian:(Media Talk Podcast) Blogging the revolution from the Aljazeera Doha Forum

CNN American Morning: (Predicting the certainty of Mubarak’s fall): Egypt’s Social Media Revolution

CNN American Morning: Nonviolent Uprising in Egypt

The Huffington Post: How an Arab autocrat falls

The Toronto Star: Tunisia, The uprising has a hashtag (by Mona Eltahawy)

ABC NewsThe Arab Digital Vanguard

The Atlantic: In Bahrain, a Vital Moment for Liberal Arab Grassroots

CNN Blogs: The road to terror camps sometimes begins in the US

PBS Tehran Bureau: Let Democracy Resound 

The Daily Beast: “@Revolution: Taking a Page from Khomeini’s Playbook

The Boston Globe: “On Screen, Muslims in a new light

The Boston Globe: “The Spirit of Eid AlAdha

The Brookline Tab: “Indifference to Bigotry: A Muslim-American Story

Alarabiya: “Muslim Films in Boston to Change American’s Perceptions

The Wall Street Journal: “The Tunisian Government Responsds

The Wall Street Journal: “A Plight in Tunisia

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